EViR supports and encourages best practice by providing a comprehensive range of webinars, available for members. These events offer members excellent opportunities for the exchange of the latest information, knowledge, expertise and best practice between members. All our webinars are presented by experts and specialists in their fields.
- EViR Webinar – Research on Research: Engagement and collaboration
- EViR Webinar – AIMMS/Mentoring Scheme – Lessons Learned and Reflections
- EViR Membership Launch Event
- EViR – ABPI (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry) Webinars
- EViR – RoRI Webinar: The Research on Research Institute: Progress & Future Plans (1)
- EViR-ESSENCE Webinar – Good practices to ensure value in research in low- & middle-income countries
- Webinar – COVID-END: Achievements, Priorities and Opportunities to Draw on this Work to Achieve Greater Value for Money When Commissioning or Funding COVID-19 Research
- Webinar – Novel and innovative approaches to decision making
EViR Meeting – Funders’ responses to COVID-19