Past Events
EViR Webinar – Research on Research: Engagement and collaboration
Purpose of Session: To provide a brief summary of the scope and purpose of the NIHR Research on Research (including the current portfolio of work conducted by the team under thematic areas of activity) and recent developments to enhance and engage with the RoR community (the RoR registry and hub).
This webinar is for members only, please contact the secretariat if you would like to discuss your membership with us.
The session will be interactive to enable collaborative discussions around the challenges and barriers of conducting RoR studies in a funding organisation, with particular focus on capabilities and capacities from an individual and organisational perspective. Understanding the range of approaches to engage with the funder and research community will also form part of the discussion (how best to engage with the audience and various stakeholders).
Amanda Blatch-Jones (senior research fellow), UK. Amanda has held a number of research positions at the University of Southampton since 2002 and joined NIHR Evaluations Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (formerly known as NCCHTA) in 2008. She has led, managed and held responsibility for the strategic development and management of the Research on Research (RoR) programme alongside leading and conducting prioritised research for the NIHR.
Amanda has more than 10 years’ experience of working in the Research on Research discipline, where she is currently leading a netnographic study on funding committee practice as part of the wider strategic priority of peer review and research funding decision making practice. Amanda is an established researcher in RoR and continues to work in this area of research building on and addressing important questions that adds value, enhances and benefits the commissioning, conduct and dissemination of NIHR funded research.
She also sits on a number of steering and advisory groups for the NIHR, University of Southampton and other funding organisations, and provides academic support to University of Southampton medical students (including pre doctoral secondments). Amanda has a strong research commitment to ensure that research is transparent, open and accessible to those who can benefit from the outcomes and contributes to improving the health of the public.
NIHR Research on Research – The RoR programme provides robust evidence to improve the efficiency of NIHR’s research management processes and to contribute to the wider evidence base on research management processes from commissioning of research through to dissemination. RoR’s portfolio of work includes two themed activities:
- Peer Review and Decision Making in Research Funding.
- Post-Award Management of Funded Research.
- Introduce RoR discipline – what is it, scope and purpose.
- NIHR RoR – portfolio of work.
- RoR registry and hub.
- The role of RoR in a funding organisation (value, purpose and intended outcomes).
- What are the challenges for funding organisations (capacity, capability and sustainability).
- Experience of RoR studies (organisational and individual level).
- How can we make best use of networking opportunities (what approaches work best for what type of audiences).
- How to maintain engagement and collaborative opportunities.
- Greater awareness about ways to engage with funding organisations (gain reach and collaborative working).
- Acknowledge the different ways to share information that is transparent and relevant for others (informative rather than the traditional academic route).
- Appreciation of the challenges in doing RoR and ways to enhance the experience (including transparency of findings to others in an open and accessible way).