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EViR Webinar – AIMMS/Mentoring Scheme – Lessons Learned and Reflections

Funding organisations are constantly looking into strengthening their approach to EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion). Both funders and research organisations are committed to EDI broadly and developing and maintaining a healthy research culture more generally, tackling disadvantage and discrimination. Mentoring schemes provide the power to accelerate self-development and career progression, among other benefits.

Please contact us if you are interested in joining the webinar


More information

Members will have the opportunity to learn from Dr Nisreen Alwan’s experiences, and lessons learned running the AIMMS scheme (Academic Intersectionality Mentoring in Medical Schools). AIMMS is the first British national medical school mentoring scheme that connects women from ethnic minority backgrounds at various clinical and non-clinical career pathways to provide them with a chance of acting as mentees and/or mentors to each other and to provide role models.

The scheme has been created to support the career development of ethnic minority women within medical schools and academic medicine in the UK. This will facilitate their progression to leadership levels.


Dr Nisreen Alwan MBE – Associate Professor in Public Health at the University of Southampton and Honorary Consultant in Public Health at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UK). She was awarded an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for services to Medicine and Public Health during the COVID19 pandemic in the Queen’s New Year Honours 2021. She was also named amongst other inspiring and influential women from around the world in the BBC 100 Women 2020 list.

Dr Benedikz manages the Mentoring programme, which pairs post-doctoral and newly independent biomedical and health researchers with the Academy’s Fellows as mentors, and the SUSTAIN programme, which is a year long leadership programme to support women in their first independent research position.

Presenting organisations

  • Academy of Medical Sciences – The Academy is the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. Our mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society. Our Fellowship of the UK’s best biomedical and health researchers are the driving force of all that we do.
  • Academic Intersectionality Mentoring in Medical Schools – AIMMS is the first national (UK) medical school mentoring scheme that connects women from ethnic minority backgrounds at various clinical and non-clinical career pathways to provide them with a chance of acting as mentees and/or mentors to each other and to provide role models.

Proposed agenda

  1. An overview of the Academy’s Mentoring and SUSTAIN programmes – Lizzy.
  2. An overview of the AIMMS programme – Nisreen
  3. Q&A


EViR members will find out more about active programmes and have a chance to ask questions about how they could support diversity and early career researchers through mentoring and peer support initiatives.