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EViR Webinar – The MESSAGE Project

This session will underline the need for improved accounting of sex and gender in biomedical, health and care research to enhance scientific rigour and reproducibility, minimise research waste, and ensure patient safety.

Drawing on the expertise established by the UK research sector in the context of the Medical Science Sex and Gender Equity (MESSAGE) project, this session will set out a policy framework and implementation tools for research funders to realise this change within their research communities.

This meeting is for EViR members only, please contact the secretariat if you would like to discuss your membership.



This session will take the format of a 35-40 minute presentation followed by a 20-25 minute Q&A. The presentation will describe the vision and aims of the MESSAGE project and its key output, a sex and gender policy framework for research funders, co-designed by representatives from across the UK research sector. The presentation will focus on the project’s unique whole-sector approach to policy change and will offer practical guidance for effective implementation of sex and gender policies.

Presenting Organisation

The George Institute for Global HealthThe George Institute for Global Health is an internationally renowned research organisation with a mission to improve the health of billions of people worldwide. Through research we identify new evidence to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases and injury, particularly among those living in disadvantaged circumstances. Our findings are used to drive change, steering towards our ultimate vision – a world where all people live longer, healthier lives. Established in Sydney, with major centres in China, India and the UK, it has projects in more than 45 countries and affiliations with world-class universities. In the UK, the Institute works in partnership with Imperial College London.



  • Heightened awareness of the need for improved accounting of sex and gender in research.
  • Increased motivation and knowledge among research funder representatives regarding how to effectively implement sex and gender policies.
  • New opportunities for collaboration and dialogue between research funders on improving how research accounts for sex and gender, both within the UK and internationally.