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EViR – RoRI Webinar: The Research on Research Institute: Progress & Future Plans (2)

Following the successful webinar on the 22nd April, we will be holding a second webinar on Tuesday 25th May at 07:00 BST.

Purpose of Session: To provide an overview of the work of the Research on Research Institute (RoRI), an international consortium of funders, academics and technologists committed to transformative and translational research on research (or meta-science).

If you are interested please contact us.

RoRI is currently undertaking a number of projects and initiatives investigating key areas of the research ecosystem covering themes of research careers, cultures, and decision making. The first-wave of RoRI projects are now well underway and include:

  • An investigation of criteria for funding allocations.
  • An exploration of the role of the concept of excellence in research management and evaluation.
  • The development of a tool to promote and assess the FAIR-ness of datasets (i.e. making them findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable).
  • Work on tracking and improving research career pathways.
  • A wide-ranging assessment of the viability of incorporation randomisation techniques in funding allocation.
  • A survey of innovative work in the area of peer review.

RoRI is carrying out work to promote sharing of data, expertise and insight from across different organisations for the benefits of the research system as a whole. This session will include an overview of some of the early findings of RoRI, a discussion of their implications for the wider research system, and an outline of RoRI’s plans for the future.


1. Overview of RoRI and discussion of its progress to date, ongoing projects, future plans and wider implications for research ecosystems – James Wilsdon and Stephen Pinfield

2. Questions, Answers and Discussion


• Greater awareness of and engagement in the work of RoRI.

• Possible opportunities for future collaborations between RoRI and EViR members.


The Research on Research Institute (RoRI), a collaboration founded by Wellcome Trust and Digital Science along with the universities of Leiden and Sheffield, and it now has 21 partner organisations from 13 countries or regions.


Prof James Wilsdon, Director of RoRI, University of SheffieldProf Stephen Pinfield, Associated Director of RoRI, University of Sheffield