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Past Events


Sixth D&I Interest Group Meeting

As Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Interest Group, we aim to dig deeper into the types of activities that funders carry out in this area and the factors that influence their success. The topic of this D&I Interest group meeting is to discuss opportunities for collaboration between Funders and National networks.

Implementation is a growing field and it is increasingly seen as a recognized profession. Barbara van der Linden from ZonMw will share some examples of what we are working on together with the Dutch NIC (Netherlands Implementation Collaborative), and also elaborate on the EIC (European Implementation Collaborative) and its activities in relation to national networks.


Event details

Its been 6 months since our last meeting in June, which focussed on Research Funders’ efforts to support knowledge infrastructures. At that meeting, ZonMw’s Wendy Reijmerink presented results from the Implementation to Impact project, in which she is studying these types of infrastructures and how funders can support them.

The types of structures were recognized by participants and we discussed challenges and issues like combining the role of grant decision maker and facilitator and the need for implementation expertise in these networks. We have taken up the input from this meeting in the D&I topic files under the heading Building capacity.

On December 1st 2022 from 13.15-15.15 GMT, we will host the next online D&I Interest group meeting.


Health Research Funders and National Implementation networks: awareness and support

Implementation is a growing field and it is increasingly seen as a recognized profession.

Funders of health research are increasing their attention for D&I, as shown by the EViR D&I Interest Group and the publication of funders’ D&I practices. Building capacity for implementation is one of 6 categories of activities that funders carry out in the area of D&I.

One possibility is to support the development of the National Implementation networks of implementation professionals that are developing across  Europe and further abroad (see:

The topic of this D&I Interest group meeting is to discuss opportunities for collaboration between Funders and National networks.

Barbara van der Linden from ZonMw will share some examples of what we are working on together with the Dutch NIC (Netherlands Implementation Collaborative), and also elaborate on the EIC (European Implementation Collaborative) and its activities in relation to national networks. In June 2023, the EIC will hold the European Implementation Event in Basel, Switzerland. There is an opportunity to organise a session on funding and national networks at that event. We hope our discussions on December 1st can help feed into a proposition for a session that we can submit to that event.

We hope to see you in good health on December 1st, please contact the secretariat if you would like to join us.

Best wishes from the (new) D&I working group:

Staffan Arvidsson (Forte, Sweden), Emma Small (HCRW, Wales), Candace Imerson (NIHR, UK), Arlene Bierman (AHRQ, USA), Barbara van der Linden (ZonMw, The Netherlands)