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2 Days

September 2022 EViR Strategy Meeting

The Steering Group would like to invite EViR members to the first EViR Strategy Meeting that will take place on 29&30 September ahead of the Autumn EViR Meeting on 27&28 October 2022.

As part of your EViR membership, health-research organisations have the opportunity to shape the agenda and strategy of the EViR Forum and the September meeting will allow members to participate in the Forum Strategy and Programme discussions.

This meeting is for EViR members only, please contact the secretariat if you would like to discuss your membership.

NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Chilworth, UK

Meeting details:

The strategy meeting will focus on the following areas:

  • EViR Guiding Principles, back to basics
  • Research on Research
  • Sustainability
  • EDI
  • EViR governance, membership and strategy
  • Low and middle-income countries

EViR members will have the opportunity to provide input and steer the direction of the EViR agenda and strategy. The outcomes of the Strategy meeting will be presented to the rest of the membership at the Autumn Round Table meeting.

This meeting will be a hybrid model with the possibility of joining us virtually or at the NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Chilworth, UK or virtually.