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Past Events

2 Days

6th EViR Funders’ Forum meeting November 2018

On November 29 and 30, 2018, the Ensuring Value in Research (EViR) Funders’ Forum held its 6th meeting in Canberra, Australia, hosted by the National Health and Medical Research Council and co-conveners National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)ZonMw, Health Research Board (HRB) Ireland and Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW).


  • Seminar: “Ensuring Value in Research: why funding agencies are taking it seriously”
  • Introduction to the principles: Why are they important and what they mean in practice
  • Key achievements by current forum members in ensuring value in research
  • Collaboration and ways of working across the biomedical research ecosystem.
Day 2
  • Outline of the NHMRC Research Quality Steering Committee work programme
  • Focus on the EViR principles as they apply to preclinical research
  • Disseminating, communicating and translating the results of research
  • Technological innovations for improving dissemination and use of research knowledge
  • Next steps – open discussion on how the Funding Forum can best engage and facilitate EViR work.
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