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Third EViR Dissemination and Implementation Interest Group Meeting

After a great first and second Interest Group Meetings in February and June, the D&I working group has devised an agenda for the third meeting on November 16th. If you are interested in joining us please contact us.


  1. Welcome
  2. Glossary of terms.
  3. Co-creation with stakeholders and specifically with intermediate and end-users during D&I
    • Present definitions: input from EViR WG on GP1: stakeholder involvement survey (Kelly Dunham, PCORI).
    • Share good examples/practices.
    • Capture lessons: The purpose of co-creation, distinguish different approaches depending on purpose.
  4. Building competencies and capacity for D&I within funding organisations and within the external research ecosystem.
    • Definition of building capacity from the EViR D&I survey.
    • Share good examples/practices.
    • Capture lessons, distinguish different approaches, write a summary of findings, including links to good examples/practices.
  5. Call for topics for the 2022 D&I interest group meetings.
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